Get to know Tiffany...
What is your favorite Bible verse? Why?
- James 1:2-4. This verse has helped me during many life situations and made me stronger in Christ.
What is you favorite food?
- Mexican, more like chips and salsa, I could eat it every day, I don't know when to stop.
Tell us something interesting about yourself.
- I love marine science and studying the ocean. Someday I want to swim with the sharks. Great white sharks.
- James 1:2-4. This verse has helped me during many life situations and made me stronger in Christ.
What is you favorite food?
- Mexican, more like chips and salsa, I could eat it every day, I don't know when to stop.
Tell us something interesting about yourself.
- I love marine science and studying the ocean. Someday I want to swim with the sharks. Great white sharks.